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加拿大start up visa联邦创业移民指定机构列表Designated organizations

2020-12-27 12:44:41 加拿大联邦移民

加拿大start up visa的申请人,必须通过一下机构当中的至少一个机构出具的“support letter”才能进行 移民申请。LYS移民团队今天罗列出这些机构便于感兴趣的申请人直接查看!

Venture capital funds

You must get at least one of these groups to agree to invest a minimum of $200,000:

Angel investor groups

You must get one or more investors connected to these groups to agree to invest a minimum of $75,000:

Business incubators

You must be accepted into one of these programs:

LYS移民点评:对于Start upvisa项目来说,核心还是申请人的“商业创意”以及项目对于加拿大的利益价值,如果您对于加拿大"SUV”创业移民感兴趣可以与我们联系评估。我们会给您一个明确的操作方案。