2021年7月 最新魁北克省技术移民打分表Arrima解析
千呼万唤始出来,魁北克省实施了全新的打分标准Arrima更新版本 ,从2021年7月15号起。魁北克省Arrima打分系统最高分1320分,在这个打分系统当中,580分为人力资源选项,740分为魁北克省的劳动力市场选项。
Criteria | Maximum points - Principal Applicant | Maximum points - Spouse or common-law partner accompanying the principal applicant |
Knowledge of French | 180 | 40 |
Knowledge of French and English | 80 | -- |
Age | 130 | 110 |
Length of professional experience | 100 | -- |
Level of education | 90 | 70 (principal applicant with accompanying spouse) 10 (spouse or common-law partner of principal applicant) |
Criteria | Maximum points - Principal Applicant | Maximum points - Spouse or common-law partner accompanying the principal applicant |
Workforce diagnosis combined, if applicable, with the length of experience in the profession practiced; | 100 | -- |
Field of training | 60 | -- |
Québec diploma | 50 | 10 |
Length of professional experience in Québec | 100 | -- |
Length of professional experience in the rest of Canada | 30 | -- |
Validated job offer combined, if applicable, instead of the job depending on whether it is located inside or outside the territory of Greater Montréal | 380 (Outside of Greater Montreal Area 180 (In Greater Montreal Area) | -- |
值得注意的是,在这个列表,最后的一个选项,被称之为 validated job offer.在打分表中占分比非常高。如果申请人获得了魁北克省的。 Validated job offer.就可以获得180分或者380分的加分。
版权所有: 本文由LYS加拿大移民 团队原创。| 全部文章
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